1° IRANFEST | 10/12 OTTOBRE 2018



Il vincitore del 1° IranFest è Run Rostam Run (M. Hossein, 2017)

Sinossi: Rostam – il vecchio eroe nazionale persiano – dovrebbe viaggiare per il futuro e venire a Teheran contemporaneo, per rimediare a ciò che ha fatto a suo figlio.

[ENG] Rostam-the old persian national hero- should travel to the future and come to contemporary Tehran, in order to make up for what he has done to his own son.

Foto dalla serata finale di premiazioni di Sedicicorto 2018. Le due curatrici di IranFest (da sinistra, rispettivamente, Alessandra Orlo e Jessica Milardo) ritirano il premio per conto del regista del corto vincitore Run Rostam Run e ne leggono la motivazione.

Molayemi Hossein. Born in 1982, Shiraz, Iran. He got his M.A. in animation directing from Tehran University of Art. He started his professional career since 2004. Since then, he has worked as director, character designer, storyboard artist and animator in some animated short films, TV series and commercials and has won some awards so far. He also has taught directing, animating and character design in some universities and art institutes in Iran. He is the founder of animation scientific association of Tehran University of Art and the president of Barfak Animation Studio.
Filmography: 2007: The Power of Peace (Unfinished), 2010: Beetle the Little, 2011: Kermando, 2011: Red Line, 2011: Well…So What, 2011: Pahlevanan (Heroes), 2011-2012: Hamsayeha (Neighbors), 2014: The Fan, 2017: Run Rostam Run, 2017: The Girl from South (work in progress)

152 films selected – 12 film selected:

  • Run Rostam RunMolayemiI Hossein (2017)
  • Childhood Dream Hasan Najmabadi (2017)
  • GenesisAbtin Mozafari (2017)
  • Are You Volleyball?!Mohammad Bakhshi (2017)
  • ExistPayam Shadniya (2018)
  • Into the RainbowHasan Najmabadi (2017)
  • ManicureArman Fayyz (2018)
  • PresenceAbtin Salimi Tari (2017)
  • Red SeasonHasan Najmabadi (2017)
  • SamarJahed Kaveh (2017)
  • The Blu ClassAzadi Behzad (2018)
  • TulsaShojaei Seyyed Parviz (2018)